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​We are a group of local people who are interested in the history of our area - just North of Bristol, England.

New members are always welcome, and you are also welcome to attend our talks without being a member - just pay on the door.

This page is to gather together useful information, links, and photographs, and to give you information about our forthcoming events.  We've gathered some fantastic links and resources on the Information page (see menu above).  The Information section also contains pages on topics, such as memories of World War 2 contributed by local people, and resources related to the bombing of Parnall's factory (where many local people worked.)



There are also options to contact the Committee - we are always pleased to hear from you, but please bear in mind, we are all volunteers! 

We are currently looking for an Honorary Secretary - please contact the Chair if you would like to help us out.  It's not very onerous - honest!

This website is still being built - contributions are welcome.  Thank you for visiting.

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